In this particular instance, I did a little bit of all of them. I shared my feelings with friends and family and the comments I received were not always nice… a couple of people stated that my observations were warranted. On the other hand, I was told by some that I was being bitter, jealous and that I needed to relax and to get over it and not let it bother me. Well my observations were validated over the last few weeks; I am happy to know that my intuition was spot on and I can still be a good judge of character. Damn good.
Looking back, I had been exposed to evil years earlier and it was in the form of an abusive relationship… I also learned that what didn’t kill me, made me stronger; totally cliché but so true. Truthfully, those rough few years made me hone my skills and see people for who they truly are… good or evil.
Evil may be a harsh word, but I think certain actions are just that… for instance; not complying to a dying persons wish, when all they need to do is bring their infant to visit them, especially when they had been asked to do so repeatedly. It makes me want to scream… “It is not about you, and you need to realize that.” But to keep peace, I don’t.
I have a feeling that things will come to a head this week, because it has nowhere to go and I am absolutely fed up with tiptoe-ing around as not to anger anyone or to stir the pot… well my wooden spoon is at the ready, let the pot stirring begin.
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