I have not posted in such a long time, and this one is a bit different… I am going to take a style from a friends blog and post a couple of pictures as they can express feelings without too many words… and sometimes you need just that. Sometimes, you need “Simplicity”... so Ms. Simplicity... I apologize if I overstep, but I couldn’t help myself.
I’m sure most of you know the saying, “if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.” Well… I am at sort of at that point right now. WTF do I say? (Yes, I am sort if censoring this blog) I have TONS to say, albeit, most of which are not very nice and truthfully not really this persons fault… so I would have to choose my words carefully.
I cannot and will not divulge the topic, so please don’t ask… I once uttered the words “I pride myself on not being an asshole” and I do. So once again, I will put on a happy face and make nice when I simply want to walk away and go cry in a corner.

Enough said…
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