Well lets see... where should I start....
In March, my friend Jessica contacted me and asked if I would like to participate in either a 5 or 10K walk to benefit the MS society... I said sure, not knowing if I would be able to complete the entire walk, but why not...I was looking forward to it.
Much to my dismay, I was not the only one who was enthused enough to join. After a few emails that circulated we had a group of friends excited about it.
We campaigned for funds, asked friends, coworkers and even strangers to help support us... fund raising was fun and it felt really great knowing that we were doing a small part to help fight such a horrible disease.
Long story short, we had about 20 people in our group and we raised a total of $6400 for the MS society!!! Amazing! It was a beautiful day, not a cloud in sight... it was warm and we couldn't ask for anything better! Oh and we did the entire 10K!!! I am so proud of us!!!

Fast forward to July 19th... Bella wanted to walk a 5K across the famous Golden Gate Bridge for her birthday... I am a native Californian, born and raised in the South Bay. I have never set foot near or walked across the Golden Gate Bridge. I could not wait to join her, what a way to celebrate.
She researched and found a company called move-something-or-other-fly-by-night-blah- blah.....advertising the walk on
Active.com Since
Active.com is reputable and trusted by the athletic community, we signed up.
The cost was $20/25/30 depending on when you signed up. Being the procrastinator that I am, it cost me $25.
Ha ha!...oh shoosh, like you thought it would be any different...
We got up at 5:15am to be on the road by 6:15-6:30am. Bella, AM and I were meeting CB around 7:15 at her house so she could walk with us... we picked her up and made our way to the bridge.
Once we arrived, there was no registration or sign-in table, walk signs, or even anyone wearing a familiar logo t-shirt. We thought we had been had! There were other people looking around for anyone "official" but they were nowhere to be found... "oh hell" we said, "we are here, lets walk this thing anyway"... so off we went.
We made our way through the socked in Bridge and were laughing at how cold, wet and windy it was... it is July for cryin'-out-loud... what is up with that... although once we got started it was a godsend... I am so glad it wasn't sunny and hot because it would have been miserable...
We hit the halfway mark on the bridge and we were finally warmed up... we were chatting, laughing and having a great time. We said that we would be doing the bridge walk at least once a year from now on!
By the time we got to the Marin side of the bridge, there were two deer-in-headlights looking volunteers with clipboards, staring at us... they asked us sheepishly if we were walking the 5K. When we said yes, they mentioned that the starting point was on this (the Marin side) WHAT!!! Oh well, whatever... we signed the clipboard and were asked if we wanted water... which came out of the trunk of a car, not cold and not even out of its cello case... ummm yeah, totally and completely cheeeeesy!
Sooooooo, after reading the volunteers the riot act, we were given the "head honchos" information and we were on our way back across to the bridge...
All in all, the walk took us about an hour given the stretching, chewing out the volunteers, and taking some pictures. We had a great time and we are looking forward to doing it again!