It is a Monday evening, and as I sit here on my couch, it comes to my attention that time flies by when you are busy and that there is just no stopping it...This weekend however, was fairly uneventful.
Don't get me wrong, I like the fact that there wasn't much going on. Everyone needs some down time, although lately my plate has been full. In between planning our 20th high school reunion which is now over, (the party went off without a hitch, I can throw a damn good party by the way...ha ha it took me days to recover, but is was sooooo much fun!!)
I am also helping 3 friends with their weddings, one of which I am in, working my Pampered Chef Calendar, and then launching a brand new project which will be live in January...all while working at my job a 10 hours a week from my regular 40 (my hours were cut in Sept). I have to do this by running back and forth from my house to the office. I am very grateful that I have those 10 hours at the office, as it allows me to keep my insurance, so the 10 hours are totally worth it. Whew, ok, now that I have rambled about my busy schedule, I will be getting to my point.
This weekend, I only had a luncheon to go to on Sunday and the rest of the weekend was pretty mellow... So mellow that my Saturday night consisted of hot tea, fuzzy slippers, facebook and bejeweled.
Dude! when did I become an old lady?
My weekends used to start at 10:30pm now I am usually in my pj's and on the couch ready for bed by 10. This is what my weekends have come to... Were did my youth go?
I am determined to find it... I will let you know once I do. Stay tuned, it could be a wild ride...